

All is Sacred: Musings of a Celtic Soul in Summer

All is Sacred: Musings of a Celtic Soul in Summer

“If you wish to understand the Creator, first understand His Creation.”  ~ Rudolph Steiner We are now in the very heart of the summer season, what in ancient Celtic culture would be referred to as ‘samhradh’~ a season filled with light and warmth. The Christian Celtic...

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Am I receptive to letting my intuition bloom?

Am I receptive to letting my intuition bloom?

“Intuition is your soul whispering the truth to your heart and hoping that you hear.”  ~ Kate Spencer For those of us in the Northern hemisphere, we are in a time of lengthening daylight, where we feel the sun’s rays penetrate our bodies with warmth and vibrancy. A...

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Musing on Beauty and Advent Hope

Musing on Beauty and Advent Hope

Precious friends, as we usher in the season of Advent this Sunday, it’s hard to ignore the fact that the world feels a bit like it’s wrapped in a shrouded blanket of darkness. The days continue to grow shorter, and with global uncertainties such as unrest in the...

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I’ve Looked at Rocks from All Sides Now

I’ve Looked at Rocks from All Sides Now

“We have forgotten what rocks still know – we have forgotten how to be – to be still – to be ourselves – to be where life is here and now.” ~ Eckhart Tolle In the weeks that have followed the horrific Hamas attack, we have collectively felt our footing shaken by the...

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Awakening when we are ready

Awakening when we are ready

“Your life belongs to what you have awakened to.” ― John de Ruiter When I was a very little child, my parents had a beautiful ritual of tucking us into bed every night with stories, poems, prayers, and songs.  One of my favorites was from my daddy, when he would sing...

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Unexpected Encounter with the Sacred

Unexpected Encounter with the Sacred

“Heaven is under our feet and over our heads” ~ Henry David Thoreau A few times in our lives we find ourselves at a location that somehow connects the earthly landscape to something much greater – sublime moments that grab our attention and hold us in their grip.  I...

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Sacred sanctuary … a thin place … yes, home!

Sacred sanctuary … a thin place … yes, home!

“The ache for home lives in all of us” ~ Maya Angelou Even as young children, growing up viewing the movie the Wizard of Oz, we ingest into our beings the belief that “there’s no place like home.” Yet, we all may have a different idea or sentiment that comes to mind...

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The Sacred Unfolding of our Life’s Work

The Sacred Unfolding of our Life’s Work

“Do not wish to be anything but who you are, and try to be that perfectly.” ~ St. Francis de Sales As spiritual women in the prime of our lives and our work professions, we may come to a place where we find ourselves experiencing career disenchantment.  Feelings of...

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