Spiritual Life Coaching

Spiritual Life Coaching

Here’s a gentle and heart-centered gift I’d love to share with you!

Coming Home to Your Heart

When you sign up, I’ll send you this inspiring and nourishing guided meditation to experience and enjoy!

Imagine, for a moment, wholeheartedly embracing your authenticity and seeing all the beauty that resides in you with new eyes.

What if from this place you could attract more joy and profoundly loving relationships?

I help you to reconnect with your most authentic self — your truest essence, and with the Holy Spirit.

You’ll gain new clarity, confidence and a reignited sense of purpose.

You’ll become empowered to magnetize more loving relationships that flourish.

There is something deeply known within us at our core, that our relationships matter – the relationship we have with the Divine, with ourselves, and with others – that love matters – to our health, to our personal fulfillment, to our joy and to our feelings of wholeness and belonging.

Wouldn’t it be great to feel more of this?

“Mary has a way about her, a gentle grace with her words and wisdom. An amazing way of helping others see their hidden talents and affirming ones that are already known. She is the calm after a storm with her guidance. A true blessing to have as a mentor.”

— Vickie K., Florida

What a privilege it would be to accompany you!

Your timing, your destination and the paths you will tread on your divine healing journey, to come back “home to yourself,” will be your own. I’d be thrilled to be by your side (either on Zoom or in person). Please know that the ripples of love you will create for yourself, your loved ones and your community will extend out in wonderful circles!

What is it like to work with a Spiritual Life Coach?

“Be who God wants you to be and you will
set the world on fire.”

~ St. Catherine of Siena

Why do I do this work?

What delights me is accompanying open-hearted seekers like you, as you get back in touch with your heart’s desires and your truest self.

Your personal magnificence blossoms and it’s incredible to witness its transformative effect!
Your natural state is to be whole, healed, loving, powerful and peaceful. My belief is that the Divine absolutely wants you dwelling in this place of being spiritually in-tune and energized.

As I walk with so many clients on this Spirit-filled journey, I have celebrated that from this new place of loving energy within, they often see their most cherished relationships begin to flourish! Not to mention, their more loving relationship with themselves and with God!

If you’re ready to awaken to the calling of your soul, to experience more wholeness, joy and connection to others – I’m very excited and I trust that what I have to offer will be invaluable in accelerating your journey.

“Mary has an incredible ability to create a calm, peaceful and safe space for her client. I was able to be vulnerable and speak from my heart without any fear of judgment. I came away with so much peace because she’d helped me find the answers, I needed, within myself! I highly recommend Mary as a relationship coach!”

~ Robin D., Alaska

Heart Nourishing Program

Experience 9, 1-hour sessions (over 3 months) — 1:1 intuitive spiritual coaching with me

Gain new awareness and clarity for making life-giving decisions

Come to feel more centered, balanced, purposeful, energized and loving, and witness your relationships become enhanced

Heart Flourishing Program

My most recommended program – come and experience 18, 1-hour sessions (over 6 months) – intensive 1:1 intuitive spiritual coaching with me

See life in a new way with more empowerment and energy
Embrace your purpose and vitality and have this higher vibration of love mirrored back to you

Heart-Centered Connection Circles

A life-giving, 6-week opportunity to gather with 7 other heart-centered, spiritual women on Zoom

We together create an inviting place of non-judgment; meaningful sharing and personal reflection on relationships

A great way to find kindred sistership and a sense of belonging

Three Holy Helpers: Discovering Your Spiritual Team

A beautiful one- hour, introductory session to your Spirit team

We’ll meet your Saint, your angel and your flower essence

They will Inspire, encourage, heal and guide you on your self-discovery journey

1:1 Coaching Program Offerings

Two Program Offerings: Heart Nourishing Program and Heart Flourishing Program

What makes all the difference for my clients:

  • keen self-observation and naked honesty
  • unconditional acceptance and positive regard for yourself
  • receptivity to recognize and release stale patterns and limiting beliefs that sabotage you
  • willingness to try new things to experience heart-centered growth
  • curiosity to see from a new vantage point
  • trying to communicate with new approaches, and
  • receive grace and wisdom from the Divine all along the way.

Heart Nourishing Program

This is an opportunity to experience 1:1 intuitive spiritual coaching with me — to look inward over a period of 9, 1-hour sessions (3 per month) so you can delve more deeply into your journey with the Divine – and receive guidance around those relationships where you would like to enkindle more sacred love – most importantly with yourself and the Divine.

What you can expect to receive?

  • new awareness and clarity
  • being more in touch with your intuition and soul’s promptings
  • feeling more centered, balanced, purposeful and energized
  • a break and healing of past patterns that have had fruitless results
  • new, more nourishing ways of responding to life
  • a change to the dynamic of your relationships in new empowering ways

For a free 30-minute heart connection call to see if this is right for you, just click here to book with me. The cost of my Heart Nourishing Program is $2,050 in full or $690/month.

“It is an absolute gift to work with Mary. Your heart and soul will thank you. Her intuition pours through with beautiful wise messages, guidance, and support from the Divine. She is a gem wrapped in love. I am forever blessed to have had coaching with her.”

~ Pam N., Pennsylvania

Heart Flourishing Program

This is my most recommended way to work together. By making this investment in yourself, you are letting Spirit know that you are ready for transformative positive change – you’re ready to move to flourishing!

This program facilitates an opportunity to experience more intensive 1:1 intuitive spiritual coaching with me over an extended period. You’ll be able to excavate inward during 18, 1-hour sessions (3 per month) and delve deeply into your journey with the Divine. You’ll receive guidance and witness lasting changes regarding those relationships where you would like to enkindle more sacred love – most importantly the relationship with yourself and with the Divine.

What you can expect to receive?

  • a new way of seeing things in your life
  • a more sensitive and attuned capacity to discern your intuition and inner knowingness
  • more clarity, confidence, authenticity and purpose
  • healing of patterns that aren’t working with new actions
  • new healthier boundaries, new ways of interacting and new self-care methods
  • facing of the fears, insecurities and blocks to examine new possibilities
  • a change to the dynamic of your relationships in brand new ways
  • more vibrant, loving energy becoming rooted in you, that will mirror back to you.
  • more joy, empowerment and a sense of the Divine’s on-going, positive loving presence.

For a free 30-minute heart connection call to see if this is right for you, just click here to book with me. The cost of my Heart Flourishing Program is $4,070 in full or $685/month.

“Mary is a gentle soul who so delicately guided me towards acknowledging the deep desires of my heart in my current circumstances — and asked all the questions necessary for me to discover a path towards fulfilling them. I really can’t recommend her enough!”

~ Emily M., Florida

Three Holy Helpers:
Discovering your Spiritual Team

In this popular offering on Zoom, you and I will meet for an hour to invite in your Spiritual helpers on the mystical journey to your soul’s awakening.

  • Greeting the Saint that joyfully comes forward to provide you with encouragement for this chapter of your life;
  • Getting to know the angel that comes to us to be a messenger to you from the Divine. It may be your guardian angel or another divine messenger; and
  • Bringing forth the flower whose essence is important to your soul’s blooming.

You will experience your Divine Spiritual Team so you can:

  • Gain insights into how the Divine is wanting to support you and provide wisdom to you
  • See the relationship between these three sacred helpers
  • Invite in any immediate messages, healing and inspirations that may be revealed
  • Be energized to explore your connection to the Divine and these helpers more deeply, and
  • Experience a beautiful time of sacred space and nourishment

You will receive a recording of our session together. This can be a stand-alone session or the first session of our 1:1 Coaching Program together. Your choice. The cost of this as a single session is: $288.

“My journey toward realizing my highest goals has had many helpers. Mary came into my life at the perfect time to gently and lovingly open my heart to full, loving relationships. If you are reading this, it is your sign to explore working with Mary.”

~ Dawn A., North Carolina

Heart-Centered Connection Circles

A life-giving, 6-week opportunity to gather with 7 other heart-centered, spiritual women on the path of personal growth and discovery.

These weekly sessions will be on Zoom, so you will meet kindred sisters from across the country or possibly different parts of the world.

Each 90-minute session will start with a heart connection meditation to elevate our shared vibrational energy – and we will then take a relationship topic to delve into deeply and to each share from our hearts on. This is an inviting place of non-judgment; meaningful sharing and personal reflection. I will be providing questions to ponder and journal on, in advance.

In today’s world, it’s easy to stay connected to technology, but much more difficult to stay meaningfully connected with other pilgrims on the journey to life’s great joy of sharing and belonging! The 6-week circle group registration fee is $294. If interested to join, you can email me at [email protected] or submit a contact form below.

If you'd like to explore partnering with me:

Free 30-minute heart connection call with me, to see if this is right for you, just click to book a time convenient.