“Take heart! I have overcome the world.” ~ John 16:33
Lent is almost upon us, a supremely sacred time of reflection, renewal, and deepening intimacy with Christ. The word Lent, rooted in the Old English term for “lengthening of days,” beautifully mirrors the gentle awakening of spring. As the golden light of dawn stretches ever wider across the sky, so too are we beckoned to open our hearts with escalating fervor, embracing the boundless love of our Divine Creator.
In these uncertain times, more than ever, we are called to take heart — to embrace the courage Christ gives us to walk as pilgrims of hope. Time and again, Scripture whispers and resounds with the call to cast aside fear, for God walks beside us. Lent is a divine summons to open our hearts to the Lord’s gentle encouragement — to be filled with His holy breath, strengthening us to meet the world’s harsh edges with the soft embrace of mercy, the warmth of compassion, the tenderness of grace, and the boundless love that flows as a gift from the Holy Spirit.
Yes, just as the earth stirs from winter’s slumber, stretching toward the warmth of the sun, so too are our souls invited into a bountiful springtime of renewal. This is a season to till the soil of our hearts, making them soft and fertile ground for grace, that we might sow seeds of healing in a world longing for restoration. It is a time to exchange anxiety for trust, to trade despair for hope, and to transform isolation into communion. The Jubilee Year invites us to embark on a sacred pilgrimage — traveling lightly yet with deep purpose, our gaze ever fixed upon Christ.
Lent is not merely a season of relinquishment, but an invocation to root ourselves more deeply in God’s unwavering love — to listen with openness, to let go of what binds us, and to step boldly into transformation. God calls us to bring forth every moment of our daily lives as an offering, making even the simplest acts miraculous and allowing His presence to shape our every step forward.
The spiritual practices of Lent — prayer, fasting, and almsgiving — are not ends in themselves, but pathways to deeper life. In fasting, we detach from distractions to make space for God. In prayer, we step into the quiet to listen more attentively to His voice. In almsgiving, we acknowledge that everything we have is a gift, and in return, we offer ourselves in service to others. These disciplines reorient us to what matters most. Just as Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness preparing for His mission, Lent offers us the opportunity to clear away the noise and realign our hearts with His as we make a pilgrimage towards the abundance of Easter.
So take heart, my friends. The winter has been long and arduous, but perhaps this Lent can be a time of renewal, of coming home to God, of allowing the Holy Spirit to breathe fresh life into the weary places of our being. May we enter these forty days with trusting expectation, knowing that God is already at work within us. And may we emerge on the other side completely energized — ready to embrace the Resurrection of Christ with hearts ablaze with joy, love, and hope. The journey is before us. Let us walk it together, as pilgrims of the promise, led by the One who is Himself our hope and our most beloved one.
If you feel the calling to experience more of this grace and peace, and would like someone to accompany you on the pathway in a supportive way, feel free to check out my Spiritual Life Coaching offerings at https://sacredrelationship.com/work-with-me/.
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