If you wish to understand the Creator, first understand His Creation.”  ~ Rudolph Steiner

We are now in the very heart of the summer season, what in ancient Celtic culture would be referred to as ‘samhradh’~ a season filled with light and warmth. The Christian Celtic peoples have always had a deep reverence for the rhythms of the seasons and believed that summer was a period to open a path to more radiance and abundance, both within and without.

Yes, summer in Celtic Christianity is a time for appreciating how all in nature, from the blooming flowers to the fluffy sheep, are infused with the Divine presence. They offer us glimpses of the beauty, growth and evolution of our own souls. As the Irish writer, John O’Donohue had shared: Nature is the direct expression of the Divine imagination.

The Celtic Christian peoples, dating back to the 5th century, have believed in a sense of the intimate and caring presence of God in the wonder and majesty of the natural world and all living beings. They held that as we begin to observe with curiosity the details that the Creator has bestowed on us through all created things, we also find a deeper connection within our own souls to the divine imagination and our own creative life force within.

Celtic Christianity believes that every human being is honorable, no different than magnificent cliffs, the radiant sun or the deep mystery of the seas. All life is sacred, and God is interwoven into the threads of everyday life – not just in prayer and meditation.

Recognizing that the veil between this life and the transcended life is very thin and that wherever we place our feet is holy ground, when we choose to see all as a manifestation of God’s blessings to us.

This perspective shifts us to one of more wholeness. Worship becomes all that we are and all that we do, even the ordinary. Spirituality is the whole of our lives because it is not about doing but about our personhood – our very being. It’s a shifted way of living, as there are not separate compartments marked sacred or secular – such distinctions set limits and boundaries to God’s infinite actions. In Celtic spirituality, God is present, here, now and in communication with us through everything that is. Nothing is outside of God’s love and grace.

This week, I invite us to get outside and take a meandering stroll in nature, noticing the sound of the birds, the breeze on our skin, the way our feet connect with the soil. Let us open our hearts to a new awareness, like a pilgrim witnessing theophany, attuning ourselves to the nudges we may receive from the Holy Spirit. Let the landscape of our hearts open to the landscape of our steps and see what is being expressed to us.

If you feel the calling to experience more of this grace and peace, and would like someone to accompany you on the pathway in a supportive way, feel free to check out my Spiritual Life Coaching offerings at https://sacredrelationship.com/work-with-me/.

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